Spider veins, which get their name from the “web” of visible blue and red veins on the legs that become more noticeable with age, are caused by the dilation of superficial blood vessels that sit close to the skin. Those who suffer from spider veins know that not only are they visually unappealing, additional symptoms often include tiredness in the legs, swelling in the legs, and a general feeling of heaviness in the legs.
To treat this very common condition, most patients turn to Sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy is often the best treatment for spider veins of the legs, because it is highly effective while remaining minimally invasive. The first step in the sclerotherapy treatment process is a thorough review of the patient’s medical history, followed by an examination of the spider veins that will be treated. Once complete, the treatment will take place.
In this sclerotherapy treatment for spider veins, a chemical called a sclerosant is injected into the vein. A sclerosant causes an inflammatory reaction of the interior lining of the small spider vein making the vein scar down and disappear. Currently, we use 2 different types of sclerosants; sodium sotradecol (SOTRADECOL®) and polidocanol (ASCLERA®). Both are FDA approved drugs for the use in vein sclerotherapy. These drugs do have rare side effects, we will be happy to discuss these with you in the office.

What To Expect During Sclerotherapy Treatment:
A sclerotherapy treatment session, at one of our New York or New Jersey locations, is usually about 30 minutes long and requires no downtime. During a session, tiny needles are placed into the vein, the sclerosant is injected and pressure is held over the spider vein. The treatment is well tolerated and not that uncomfortable. Immediately following the procedure, you will be free to get up and walk around. You will be discharged from the office with your legs wrapped with ace bandages or with stockings, and can expect to return to your normal daily activities right away in most cases.
It can take several weeks for the spider vein to go through the process of scarring and disappearing. Not only will sclerotherapy remove the appearance of spider veins, it is also effective in eliminating the unpleasant symptoms brought about by spider veins including aching, burning, and swelling. Most insurance companies consider this treatment “cosmetic” and will not cover it as a stand-alone procedure.
In some cases, the vein is larger than a spider vein. In these situations, the sclerotherapy solution is mixed with carbon dioxide to form foam. Foam sclerotherapy is a safe method of treating reticular veins and small varicose veins. When performed by a trained professional, the risks of sclerotherapy are minimal, and can include bruising, small skin sores, or raised red areas. More severe reactions are incredibly rare.
Palisades Vein Center is the number one choice among patients searching for Sclerotherapy New York and New Jersey within the greater region. Our experienced and highly knowledgeable vascular surgeons are trusted time and time again because of their wealth of training and continued success, in addition to the unmatched access they have to the latest treatment equipment for the treatment of venous disease. By selecting Palisades Vein Center to perform the treatment for your varicose veins, you are making the quality, convenient, and affordable choice you will not regret. Plus, our vein specialists are standing by 24/7 to answer any of your questions or concerns. For Sclerotherapy New York and New Jersey, Palisades Vein Center is the certified treatment facility you deserve.