Make an Appointment

Thank you for deciding to visit Palisades Vein Center and Medical Spa.
Please be assured our office staff is dedicated to making your appointment as easy as possible in today’s more complex insurance requirements.

We appreciate your business and thank you again for the opportunity to serve you.

To make an appointment, simply call (201) 408-5195 in NJ and (845) 362–5200 in the Hudson Valley. Our knowledgeable and courteous staff will answer any questions you may have to facilitate your appointment

For your convenience, the Patient Information Form can be accessed below so that you can fill it out prior to your appointment. Simply print out the form, fill out completely, and bring it with you to your appointment. You can also fax it to our offices. Be sure to use the fax number of the location you are visiting. Our offices are open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday to answer any questions.

Palisades Vein Center and Medical Spa Complimentary Consultation

  • Bring a list of medications (if not listed on history form)
  • Bring any insurance cards
  • Bring any pertinent X-Rays or reports
  • Bring your referral if required
  • Co-payment (cash, Mastercard or Visa)
  • Confirm you Palisades Vein Center doctor participates with your insurance